From co-leading a mastermind of 52 people in China and Hong Kong, to holding mastermind groups in Bali, Italy, Greece and all over the US, Brad has been a part of 28 masterminds and started 10 himself, including a local weekly mastermind group in San Diego with over 500 members. He is also an NLP Master Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.
Build A Mastermind (or BAM for short) is his latest initiative, helping entrepreneurs to add $100k+ to their businesses in profit per year with only 5-10 hours a month ongoing time commitment by hosting virtual and in person masterminds anywhere in the world.
Brad is a graduate of Binghamton University where he received a BS in Biology and rowed on the Crew team, as well worked as an EMT. He also serves on the board of a number of charities, where his work is focused on lighting the FUSE for the greatest number of people, meeting their basic needs of Food, Utilities, Shelter and Education.
Brad grew up in New York and now lives in San Diego, California.